To stop and resume a deliver operation

About this task

Follow this procedure to stop and resume a deliver operation:


  1. Stop the operation by doing one of the following:
    • On a UNIX system or Linux, click Cancel in the clearmrgman Delivering to View window.
    • On a Windows system, click Stop in the Delivering to View window.
  2. Resume the operation by performing one of the following actions:
    • On a UNIX system or Linux, type cleartool deliver -resume -graphical from your development view.
      UNIX system or Linux tip: If you resume a deliver operation, you must complete the operation from the command line.
    • On a Windows system, click Resume or right-click the root directory of the view and, in DevOps ClearCase® Explorer, click Deliver from Stream, or in Windows Explorer, click ClearCase > Deliver from Stream.