Workflow for completing activities (single-stream UCM projects only)

Figure 1: Workflow for completing activities in a single-stream project

Following the Work on activities operation in the workflow of a single-stream project, the Complete activities operation is the last set of steps. It consists of Test and verify, Check in, and Finish activity.

In a single-stream project, other developers on the project see your changes when you check in your work to the shared work area. Because any work you check in from your integration view is immediately available to other team members, you must test your work first. If your project is enabled for Rational® ClearQuest®, you indicate that you are done with your work by finishing your activity. Developers working in multiple-stream projects do not complete activities using this process.

Testing source files

If you work in a single-stream project, you test your changes before you check them in. Build and test the work in your integration view. This testing is particularly important to do before you check in your work to the project integration stream and complete your activities. When you complete your testing, you check in your source files.

Checking in source files

When you want to make the current state of your work available to other team members, check it in. Make sure that you assign the version to the correct activity.

When you work in a single-stream project, any work that you check in from your integration view is available to other team members in the project integration stream. This ordering of your work means that you must test your work before you check it in.

Finishing your activity

When you are ready to indicate that your work on that part of the project is complete, finish your activity.

In a single-stream project that is enabled for Rational ClearQuest, indicate the completion of your work by finishing the activity. If your project uses the UCM integration with Rational ClearQuest, your project manager may enable a policy that runs a customized Rational ClearQuest user database script when you finish an activity. For example, your project manager may create a script that checks whether your user name matches the name in the Rational ClearQuest user database record Owner field or asks you to enter other information. When you successfully complete the script, another policy can automatically transition your activity to the complete state in the Rational ClearQuest user database.