About the UCM integration with Rational ClearQuest

Rational® ClearQuest® is a change request management system that can be integrated with UCM projects to provide extended functionality.

Your project manager can customize your work environment to fit activity management into your UCM workflow. Projects can be enabled for the UCM integration with Rational ClearQuest. Your project manager can relate the elements and versions on which you work to the information about your work. For example, a Rational ClearQuest user database could be set up to contain defect reports about software for which you have development responsibility. When you start working on the versions that relate to the defect, the software asks you to provide information that is later stored with the defect. Your project manager can then examine information in the Rational ClearQuest user database to see the state of your work regarding that defect. The same capability can be used to track progress on requests for enhancement on the software that you work on.

If your project manager integrates elements and activities, a schema that is enabled for UCM is provided. Your project manager can tailor the schema to the ways that your organization does its work.

The following are fundamental concepts for the UCM integration with Rational ClearQuest:

  • Rational ClearQuest schema enabled for UCM
  • UCM activities and Rational ClearQuest record types that are enabled for UCM
  • Queries
  • State types and state transitions
  • On Windows® systems, reports and charts

Reading about these concepts is not necessary to start working on a UCM project that is enabled for Rational ClearQuest, but knowing these concepts does provide a basis for understanding how the integration is implemented and may be helpful if you need to diagnose problems.