About queries

You can use queries to navigate through a Rational® ClearQuest® user database. Before viewing or modifying records, you must query the database to find the records you are interested in. For example, you may want to see only activities that are assigned to you or only those activities that are associated with your project, or you may want to see activities based on their creation dates.

A schema that is enabled for UCM includes a set of queries that you can use to find records that are linked to UCM activities. The queries are placed into two categories in the Public Queries folder:

  • You can run queries in the UCMUserQueries folder and modify them when necessary. You can save in your Private Queries folder any public query that you modify.
  • Do not run queries in the UCMSystemQueries folder from a Rational ClearQuest client; the queries are intended to be run by the Rational ClearQuest and DevOps Code ClearCase® system only. A Rational ClearQuest client displays these queries so that you can customize them if necessary.

A UCM-enabled schema includes a set of queries you can use to find UCM-enabled records. This topic describes the following:

In addition to the queries included in the schema, you and your project manager may create other queries, which may not necessarily be designed to find UCM-enabled records.


The UCMCustomQuery1 query finds UCM-enabled records that match the following criteria:

  • In a state whose state type is Ready and have all of the following attributes:
    • Are assigned to you
    • Have not been assigned to a UCM project yet
    • Have not been worked on yet
  • In a state whose state type is Ready or Active and have all of the following attributes:
    • Are assigned to you
    • Have been assigned to the UCM project associated with the current view
    • Have not been worked on yet
  • In a state whose state type is Active and have all of the following attributes:
    • Are assigned to you
    • Have been assigned to the UCM project associated with the current view
    • Have been worked on already in the stream associated with the current view

On UNIX® systems, the UCMCustomQuery1 query is used to construct lists of activities in the Check Out and Check In windows.

On Windows® systems, the UCMCustomQuery1 query is used to construct lists of activities in the following DevOps Code ClearCase windows: Check Out, Check In, and Add to Source Control. MyActivities in DevOps ClearCase Explorer also uses this query.

(Although you can also access this query from a Rational ClearQuest client, it is not designed to be run outside the context of a DevOps Code ClearCase view.)

You or your project manager can modify this query. Queries that you modify and save are placed in the Private Queries folder, which is just above the Public Queries folder in the left pane of the Rational ClearQuest client display.

Other queries

The Unified Change Management schema also supplies the queries described below. You can run any of these queries.

For one or more specified projects, selects all activities in an active state type.
For one or more specified streams, selects all activities in an active state type.
For one or more specified developers, selects all assigned activities in an active state type.
Selects all UCM-project records in Rational ClearQuest user database.

Creating your own Rational ClearQuest query

If none of the existing queries suits your needs, you can create a new one. Use the Query wizard to guide you through the steps.