To start a deliver operation to the default target

About this task

If you work in a multiple-stream UCM project, when you are ready to make your work available to the project team, you deliver your work. You can deliver your work to a default target or a nondefault target.

If you deliver your work to the default target, the target of the delivery is your parent stream.

You can start the delivery from the command line, Project Explorer, DevOps ClearCase® Explorer, or Windows Explorer.

To deliver to the default target, perform one of the following actions:
  • From the command line with a view context, access your development view and enter the following command:
    cleartool deliver -graphical
  • From the command line without a view context, perform the following procedure:
    1. From a shell prompt, enter the following command:
      clearmrgman -deliver
    2. UCM Deliver starts. In the Deliver from Stream window, navigate to your project and stream.
    3. Select your stream and click OK.
  • From the Project Explorer, perform the following procedure:
    Tip: To start the Project Explorer, type clearprojexp.
    1. In the left pane, click + (plus sign) next to the PVOB that contains your project.
    2. Click + next to any folder, next to your project, and next to your parent stream.
    3. Click your development stream.
    4. Right-click to display the shortcut menu. Then select Deliver from Stream > To Default.
  • From DevOps ClearCase Explorer, do one of the following:
    • Use the Toolbox.
      1. In the ClearCase Explorer Shortcut pane, click Toolbox. Then click UCM > Deliver from Stream.
      2. Select your development stream and click OK.
    • Right-click the root directory of your development view and select Deliver from Stream to Default.)
  • From Windows Explorer, right-click the root directory of your development view and then click ClearCase > Deliver from Stream to Default.

The Deliver Preview (on the UNIX system or Linux) or the Deliver Preview from Stream (on Windows systems) window opens. Now you continue the delivery by selecting activities to deliver.

In a project that is enabled for Rational® ClearQuest®, your project manager might enable a Rational ClearQuest policy that runs a customized script when you start a deliver operation. For example, the script might check for dependencies between Rational ClearQuest records. Before you can continue the deliver operation, you must satisfy any requirements established by this Rational ClearQuest policy.

If your organization uses MultiSite and the UCM integration with Rational ClearQuest, the activity object and its Rational ClearQuest record must be mastered locally before you can work on, set, or change an activity.