To start a deliver operation to a nondefault target

About this task

If you work in a multiple-stream UCM project, when you are ready to make your work available to the project team, you deliver your work. You can deliver your work to a default target or a nondefault target.

You can start the delivery to a nondefault target from Project Explorer, DevOps ClearCase® Explorer or Windows Explorer.

To deliver to a nondefault target, perform one of the following procedures:
  • From Project Explorer, perform the following procedure:
    Tip: To start the Project Explorer, type clearprojexp .
    1. In the left pane, click + (plus sign) next to the PVOB that contains your project.
    2. Navigate to and click + next to your project.
    3. Navigate to and click your development stream.
    4. Right-click to display the pop-up menu. Then click Deliver from Stream > To Alternate Target.
    5. In the Deliver from Stream window, select the target stream and click OK.
  • From ClearCase Explorer, perform the following procedure:
    1. Access your view and right-click the root directory of your development view.
    2. Then click Deliver from Stream to Alternate Target.
    3. In the Deliver from Stream window, select the target stream and click OK.
  • From Windows Explorer, perform the following procedure:
    1. Right-click the root directory of your development view and then click ClearCase > Deliver from Stream to Alternate Target.
    2. In the Deliver from Stream window, select the target stream and click OK.

The Deliver Preview window (on the UNIX system or Linux) or the Deliver Preview from Stream window (on Windows systems) opens. Now you continue the deliver operation and select activities to deliver.