RCCSECF adds a host name, user name, and password to the SECF file with the password encrypted.


For auth mode 2, this API should be run first to generate a SECF file used by RCCGTDIR and all primary APIs. The SECF file will be located in data set username.TSC.CMD. Here is a sample of this file format:


‘daimler userone e063ec9fecbbed13’

where ‘daimler’ is the hostname, ‘userone’ is the distributedUserName, ‘e063ec9fecbbed13’ is the encrypted distributedUserPassword.




You can use the following arguments with the RCCSECF function:

The TCP/IP address or DNS name of the machine that contains the DevOps Code ClearCase® VOB. This address must be a valid TCP/IP address or DNS name.
The user ID on the distributed system on which you are running DevOps Code ClearCase and the server component of TSO Client.
The password for the user ID.


The following table lists the return and reason codes that result from running the RCCSECF function; it also provides a description of the meaning of the codes.

Table 1. Result of running the RCCSECF function
Return code Reason code Description
0 600 Processing successful.
8 611 Required argument missing.
612 Invalid argument value.
614 Distributed command failure.
616 Improper number of arguments.
12 698 Internal error.
699 Internal error.


Add a host name, user name, and password to the existing SECF file in PDS userID.tsc.cmd, or create a new SECF file if one does not exist.

host = ‘Test.onsome.domain.com’
distributedUserName = ‘userone’
distributedUserPassword = ‘password’
Parse Value RCCSECF(host,distributedUsername,distributedUserPassword) 
With rccret rccrsn rccmsg


For more information, see the SECF file in PDS userID.tsc,cmd.

For a description of the log entries in RCCLOG1, see RCCULOG. The following message is displayed in the log:

Security database updated, new element added.