RCCMACT creates a DevOps Code ClearCase® activity for a given view on the distributed system.




You can use the following arguments when you run the RCCMACT function:

The name of the platform that contains the DevOps Code ClearCase VOB. Allowable values: WINDOWS or UNIX®.
The type of DevOps Code ClearCase environment. Allowable values: UCM or NONUCM.
The type of DevOps Code ClearCase view. Allowable values: SNAPSHOT or DYNAMIC.
The TCP/IP address or DNS name of the machine that contains the DevOps Code ClearCase VOB. This address must be a valid TCP/IP address or DNS name.
The TCP/IP port number used to contact the host specified by the host argument. Allowable values: 0-65535.
The DevOps Code ClearCase view used to access the fully qualified file name. This argument is required only when the platform is UNIX and the view type is DYNAMIC. Otherwise, the argument is null.
The directory of the snapshot or dynamic view. This argument is required for Windows® when the view type is DYNAMIC or SNAPSHOT and for UNIX when the view type is SNAPSHOT. Otherwise, this argument is null.
The name of the new DevOps Code ClearCase activity.
The name of the directory on the host machine from which the server component of TSO Client was started.
A comment string associated with the activity. This string might be null.
The user ID on the distributed system on which you are running DevOps Code ClearCase and the server component of TSO Client.
The code page for the input, output, and build script files on the client. Code page conversion occurs only on text files. This argument is optional.
The code page used on the server. This argument is optional.
The code page for the distributed system's locale. This option defaults to the same value as is specified with the client codepage client_codepage argument. This argument is optional.
The number of minutes that the server waits for an invoked build script to return before stopping the build event. This argument is optional.
A ClearQuest® user ID. This argument is optional.
The password for the ClearQuest user ID. This argument is optional.
The name of the schema repository to be used by ClearQuest. This argument is optional.
The message verbosity. The value for this argument can be -V, -V -V, or -V -V -V. This argument is optional.


The following table lists the return and reason codes that result from running the RCCMACT function; it also provides a description of the meaning of the codes.

Table 1. Result of running the RCCMACT function
Return code Reason code Description
0 600 Processing successful.
8 611 Required argument missing.
612 Invalid argument value.
614 Distributed command failure.
616 Improper number of arguments.
620 Invalid CCtype for this function
12 698 Internal error.
699 Internal error.


Make a new activity ucm_dyn_act3 for the UCM, DYNAMIC view ucmview.

The DevOps Code ClearCase VOB resides on a UNIX machine with a domain name of TEST.onsome.domain.com.

The server component of TSO Client is installed in the var/tmp/samples/ directory and is running with auth mode 0, using port 4000.

The following REXX™ commands could be used to invoke the RCCMACT API function:

pltf = ‘UNIX'
cctype = ‘UCM'
vtype = ‘DYNAMIC'
host = ‘TEST.onsome.domain.com''
port = ‘4000'
view = ‘ucmview'
nact = ‘ucm_dyn_act3'
dir = ‘/var/tmp/samples/userID'
com = ‘comment for new activity example'
disuser = ‘userone'
Parse Value RCCMACT(pltf,cctype,vtype,host,port,view,,nact,dir,com,disuser) 
With rccret rccrsn rccmsg


For a list of the output data sets corresponding to the RCCLOG1, RCCOUT, and RCCERR file names, see RCCUALOC.

For a description of the log entries in RCCLOG1, see RCCULOG.

For an example listing of the log, see Example of a log entry.

RCCOUT contains verification that the activity was created and set in the specified view.

RCCOUT example

After a successful completion of the API call in the previous example, RCCOUT contains the following message:

Created activity "ucm_dyn_act3".                            
Set activity "ucm_dyn_act3" in view "ucmview".