Commonly used parameters

The following table describes commonly used parameters.
Table 1. Commonly used parameters
Parameter Definition Rules
host The ID of the distributed system on which you are running DevOps Code ClearCase® and the server component of TSO Client. IP address or domain name.
port The port number of the distributed system on which you are running DevOps Code ClearCase and the server component of TSO Client. A number between 0 and 65535. Must be an active port.
platform The platform on which you are running DevOps Code ClearCase and the server component of TSO Client. WINDOWS or UNIX®

Specify UNIX for Linux® and the UNIX system.

CCtype The indicator of whether the development project is enabled for UCM or not. UCM or NONUCM.
viewType The type of DevOps Code ClearCase view you are using on the distributed system. DYNAMIC or SNAPSHOT.
localPDS The name of the local mainframe PDS; for example, userID.tsc.cbl Valid PDS name.
TSCdirectory The directory inside the directory where the server component of TSO Client is installed, named with the TSO logon user ID; for example, C:\Program Files\IBM Rational\ClearCase\bin\userID Can be obtained by calling RCCGTDIR.
view The name of the DevOps Code ClearCase view. A valid DevOps Code ClearCase view name to access specified file(s).
fullyQualifiedFilename The fully qualified file name on the distributed system; for example, Q:\vob1\dir1\banner.cbl Must conform to the rules for such names for the platform (Windows® or Linux and the UNIX system)
listOfFullyQualifiedFileName The list of fully qualified file names. Entries in the list are delimited by a null character (X'00).




Each entry in the list must be a valid fully qualified file name for the platform.
distributedViewDirectory The directory for a specified view on the distributed system; for example: Q:\vob1\dir1\. Used when view type is SNAPSHOT on UNIX
fullyQualifiedVersionOfaFile The version name of a file; for example: Q:\vob1\dir1\banner.cbl@@\main\5. None
comment The comment string (might be a null string). Used for RCCCI, RCCCO, and RCCMACT.
activity The name of a UCM activity. None
distributedUserName The user ID of the distributed system on which you are running DevOps Code ClearCase and the server component of TSO Client. None
distributedUserPassword The password for the user ID. None