Keys to variable names

This topic provides a key to the variable names that are used in examples.

Table 1. Key to variable names
Variable Description
envdef Any one of the environment definitions that are configured for TSO Client
hlq The high-level qualifier that is used for the z/OS® Extensions MVS™ data sets
mportno The port number that is available for the running of z/OS MVS Remote Build Server
mvsaddr TCP/IP address or host name of the z/OS system
pathprefix The user-specified path prefix used in the product installation for z/OS UNIX® System Services
smpprfx The high-level qualifier chosen for the set of SMP/E specific data sets
tportno The port number that is available for running TSO Client
tsopw TSO password
tsouid TSO user ID
tviews Views that are available
uportno The port number that can be used to run the z/OS UNIX System Services Remote Build Server
version The version of z/OS Extensions to be installed (for example, V2005A)