Select destination view

On this page, you select a ClearCase® view in which the merge will take place.

You can merge to any ClearCase view on your computer. The merge target will be the version currently loaded in the destination view. To be sure that the view contents are up to date, update the destination view before you begin the merge.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls appear in the dialog box:

Control name Control description
Destination view The view tag of the ClearCase view in which the merge will take place. By default, this is set to the current view context (the ClearCase view in which you are currently working, or which is selected in the ClearTeam Navigator).
Choose Click Choose to open the Select a ClearCase View dialog box and select a different local ClearCase Web view.
Next Confirms your selections and moves on to the next step.
Cancel Cancels the operation.
Note: In a UCM view, all checkouts performed by a merge operation will be performed in the context of the destination view's current activity. If your UCM project is not integrated with ClearQuest® View Configuration, you can specify a new or existing UCM activity in the dialog box. If your UCM project is integrated with ClearQuest, to create a new activity or to change the view's current activity, you must exit the dialog box, perform the action, then re-open the dialog box.

If you are using the ClearTeam® Explorer UCM integration with Rational® Team Concert, clicking New invokes the Create Work Item dialog box in Rational Team Concert. When you click OK in the Create Work Item dialog box, this action creates a new CTE UCM activity and associates it with the new Rational Team Concert work item. Clicking Find invokes the Select Work Item dialog box in Rational Team Concert. When you click OK in the Select Work Item dialog box, this action associates the current CTE UCM activity with the selected Jazz Team Server work item.