Merge Manager Search Results

Results of the Merge Manager's search for merge candidates are displayed in the Merge Search Results view.

After the merge manager has finished searching for versions that need to be merged, the results of the search are displayed in the Merge Search Results view. When you select an item from the list, merge-related operations are accessible from a context menu. You can also select global operations (ones that apply to all the items in the list) from the Merge Search Results toolbar.

Columns in the table

The following columns are displayed in the Merge Search Results table.

Column name Displays
Name The name of the resource.
Merge Status Either Needs Merge or Merged
Merge Type Either Trivial or Manual.
Full Path The full path name to the resource in the ClearCase® view's copy area.

You can sort the table by any column, in ascending or descending lexical order. Click any column header to sort by that column, or click the Eclipse view menu icon icon on the toolbar and select Sort to specify sorting options. You can also adjust the size of each column. Any changes you make to the sort order or column size are automatically saved for the associated object and are applied every time you view that object in the current and subsequent sessions.

Icons on the toolbar

The following icons appear on the Merge Search Results toolbar.

Icon Description
cancel icon Stop the current operation.
refresh status icon Search for merge candidates again, using the criteria you specified in the wizard.
diff merge icon Merge all. Click to select Merge all automatically or Merge all manually

Viewing merge processing logs

The merge manager keeps a log of all processing that happens during an automatic merge. To view this log for the selected version, select Show processing log from the context menu.