ClearCase Merge Manager

Use this dialog box to specify options for merging to the versions in the target view.

You can use the ClearCase® Merge Manager dialog box to specify whether you want to merge ClearCase elements automatically or manually and to specify whether or not you want receive notification when files or directories are merged.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls appear in the dialog box:

Control name Control description
Start the merge now Select this option to begin the merge immediately and to specify merge parameters.
Automatically merge files if possible Select to specify that files are merged automatically. When you select this option, you do not receive notification that files have been merged. Clear to specify a manual merge process for files. This option is active when you select Start the merge now.
Automatically merge directories if possible Select to specify that directories are merged automatically. When you select this option, you do not receive notification that directories have been merged. Clear to specify a manual merge process for directories. This option is active when you select Start the merge now.
Continue merging until all merging is complete Select to specify that the merge operation happens automatically after performing the search and continues until the merge is complete. Clear to specify a manual merge operation after performing the search. This option is active when you select Start the merge now.
Exit this dialog and review elements before merging Select to exit the dialog and perform the merge manually.
OK Confirms your selections continues the merge process accordingly.
Cancel Cancels the operation.