Controls in the checkout dialog box

Check out a resource when you want to modify it.

Use this dialog box to make a reserved or unreserved checkout of any resource that is under ClearCase® View Configuration control. A reserved checkout guarantees you the right to check in your modifications to the element as the successor version on the selected branch. If someone else has a reserved checkout on an element you want to modify, you can make an unreserved checkout, but you must merge your changes with changes made by the user who had the reserved checkout.

Note: An unreserved checkout will always be unreserved non-mastered when the branch is mastered at another replica.

Checking out a resource that is not loaded implicitly creates a load rule for the resource and loads it into the view's copy area.

The following controls always appear in the dialog box:

Control name Control description
Show Details Displays additional information and options. If you are using a UCM view, the UCM Activity settings also appear.
Hide Details Conceals additional information and options.
Hijack Instead Click to hijack the resource instead of checking it out. This option is only available when you begin to modify a file that is currently checked in to source control.
Include descendant artifacts of the selected directories Click to mark all subdirectories and files below directories in the The selected resources list box for checkout. This option is active when the currently selected resource is a directory.
Checkout descendant artifacts only, do not checkout descendant directories Click to mark only file elements below the current directory for checkout. This option is active when the Include descendant artifacts of the selected directories option is selected.
Include artifacts named Click to apply a filter recursively to the files and directories in The selected resources list box. Only the files that meet the filter criteria appear in The selected resources list box. For example, if the filter criteria is *.java, only files with a .java file extension appear in The selected resources list box.
Exclude artifacts named Click to apply a filter recursively to the files and directories in The selected resources list box. The files that meet this criteria are excluded from The selected resources list box. For example, if the filter criteria is *.txt, any files with a .txt file extension are removed from The selected resources list box.
Filter Enter the criteria for a filter to include or exclude resources for checkout.
Apply Filter Click to run the filter criteria against all resources in The selected resources list box.
The selected resources Displays the artifact name, any associated comments, and the directory path information of resources. If the resource is a directory, you can click the plus sign (+) to the left of directory to view any files or directories below your current location. The check box next to a resource indicates whether the resource should be checked out. To prevent the checkout of a resource, clear its associated check box. If the resource is in a UCM view, the activity associated with each resource also appears.
Note: If you are using the ClearTeam® Explorer UCM integration with Rational® Team Concert, and the For Task Provider integrations, display tasks instead of activities in UCM views option on the ClearTeam Explorer preference page is selected, Rational Team Concert work items display in the Activity column.
Check All Click to select the check box for all elements in The selected resources list box and mark them for checkout. This option also applies to all files and subdirectories below any directories in the list box.
Check None Click to clear the check box for all elements in The selected resources list box and prevent them from being checked out. This option also applies to all files and subdirectories below any directories in the list box.
Select All Click to select all elements in The selected resources list box in order to apply a comment or activity to each element. This option also applies to all files and subdirectories below any directories in the list box.
Select None Click to specify that no elements in The selected resources list box are selected. This option also applies to all files and subdirectories below any directories in the list box.
Select Activity Displays the activity that is to be associated with the checkout. Click to select another activity, or click New to create a new activity, or click Find to select an existing activity. This option only appears if you are using a UCM view.
Note: If you are using the ClearTeam Explorer UCM integration with Rational Team Concert, and the For Task Provider integrations, display tasks instead of activities in UCM views option on the ClearTeam Explorer preference page is selected, Rational Team Concert work items display instead of UCM activities.
New Click to generate a new UCM activity using the Create New Activity dialog box. This option only appears if you are using a UCM view.
Note: If you are using the ClearTeam Explorer UCM integration with Rational Team Concert, clicking New invokes the Create Work Item dialog box in Rational Team Concert. When you click OK in the Create Work Item dialog box, this action creates a new ClearTeam Explorer UCM activity and associates it with the new Jazz Team Server work item.
Find Click to specify an existing UCM activity in the Find an activity dialog box. This option only appears if you are using a UCM view.
Note: If you are using the ClearTeam Explorer UCM integration with Rational Team Concert, clicking Find invokes the Select Work Item dialog box in Rational Team Concert. When you click OK in the Select Work Item dialog box, this action associates the current ClearTeam Explorer UCM activity with the selected Jazz Team Server work item.
Comment Enter an optional comment (one that describes the reason for the checkout, for example.)
Reserved Checkout Click this pull-down menu to specify a checkout status. A Reserved Checkout gives you the exclusive right to check in the element when you are finished. Click Prefer reserved, unreserved if necessary to attempt a reserved checkout, but to allow an unreserved checkout if the element is already checked out reserved in a different ClearCase View Configuration view. If you select Unreserved Checkout, you may need to merge your changes at checkin time, if someone else checked in the same element before you did.
Preserve Time When checking out a resource, select this option to specify that the time of last modification is preserved from the last time the resource was checked in to source control. When this option is not selected, the time of last modification is set to the current time when you check out the resource.
Current Activity after Checkout Displays the activity that is to be in effect after the checkout operation is complete. Click to specify a different activity. This option only appears if you are using a UCM view.
Note: If you are using the ClearTeam Explorer UCM integration with Rational Team Concert, and the Display tasks instead of activities in UCM views, when task associations are required option on the ClearTeam Explorer preference page is selected, a Rational Team Concert work item displays instead of a UCM activity.
Request Branch Mastership Click to request branch mastership if a checkout operation fails because a branch is mastered remotely. Whenever a reserved checkout operation fails due to mastership or an unreserved checkout operation succeeds but the branch is remotely mastered, the checkout fails and an information dialog box informs the user that ClearCase View Configuration mastership has been requested for the specific branches. After mastership has been requested, the packets of information related to the request must be imported from the server, either by automated scripts or by a manual process. After the packets have been imported, an information dialog box informs the user that mastership has been granted for the specified branches. At that point, the user can successfully perform the checkout operation.
Note: You can specify that this option is selected by default by setting the Request branch mastership if necessary option on the IBM® ClearTeam Explorer > Checkout > Dialogs preference page.
Keep the hijack content Click to checkout the hijacked version of a file instead of the latest version. This option is only active when you select a hijacked file for checkout.
OK Confirms the operation and dismisses the window.
Cancel Cancels the operation.
Note: In a UCM view, all checkouts performed by a merge operation will be performed in the context of the destination view's current activity. If your UCM project is not integrated with ClearQuest® View Configuration, you can specify a new or existing UCM activity in the dialog box. If your UCM project is integrated with ClearQuest, to create a new activity or to change the view's current activity, you must exit the dialog box, perform the action, then re-open the dialog box.