Other DevOps Code ClearCase search paths

DevOps Code ClearCase® uses configuration files and environment variables to find various other resources that it might require during processing. In particular, some DevOps Code ClearCase utilities need a way to distinguish different file types (text and binary files, for example) or to find a text editor. The graphical tools also need access to file typing data, icons and bitmaps, X Window System resource schemes, group files, and text editors.

Unlike the PATH and MANPATH variables, the configuration information for these additional resources is typically predefined and does not require modification. If you choose to customize these resources, or if DevOps Code ClearCase behavior leads you to suspect that some adjustment is required, use this table to find more information.
Table 1. Information about DevOps Code ClearCase search paths
Object or resource Where to find more information
File typing data cc.magic reference page
Icons, bitmaps cc.icon reference page
X resource schemes schemes reference page
group files env_ccase reference page (GRP_PATH environment variable)
text editor env_ccase reference page (VISUAL, EDITOR, WINEDITOR environment variables)
Note: X resource schemes control the overall appearance of the DevOps Code ClearCase graphical interface.