WebSphere Application Server settings for CCRC WAN server

Review IBM® WebSphere Application Server settings for the application server profile for the ClearCase® CCRC WAN server. If you installed ClearCase into a new profile, the settings in the profile created during installation have been optimized for best performance. If you installed ClearCase into an existing profile or if the server has performance problems, the parameter values might require adjustment.

For information about WebSphere Application Server settings and information about modifying the settings, see these resources:
  • Tuning performance in the WebSphere® Application Server documentation: V8.5.
  • Search for WebSphere Application Server tuning on IBM developerWorks
The following table lists the default settings for the WebSphere Application Server profile where the CCRC WAN server is deployed. These values are applied by default when the CCRC WAN server is deployed into a new profile created during the ClearCase installation or upgrade process.
Table 1. Recommended settings for WebSphere Application Server

WebSphere Application Server setting Default value
Web container > customer properties com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.channelwriteType=sync
Web container transport chains > WSInboundDefault > Http inbound channel Write timeout=300 seconds Persistent timeout=120 seconds
Process definition > Java Virtual Machine Initial heap size=1024 MB Maximum heap size=1024MB
Thread pools Web Container=300 Default=300
Troubleshooting > Logging and Tracing > Diagnostic trace service Maximum File Size=20MBMaximum number of Historical files=20
If the CCRC WAN server is deployed in an existing profile with other applications, consider the requirements for all applications when changing the WebSphere Application Server profile setting.

Modifying application server profile settings for WebSphere Application Server for CCRC WAN server

If the CCRC WAN server is deployed in an existing profile, modify the application server profile settings for WebSphere Application Server to match the default values.

Before you begin

If the profile is shared with other applications, only modify settings after careful consideration of the requirements for all applications installed in the profile.

About this task

In a WebSphere Application Server, you can modify tuning parameter values for the application server profile from the WebSphere Application Server administrative console, or use the Wsadmin tool.

These instructions explain how to update the parameter values to the default settings at one time by using the Wsadmin tool command setCMdefaultDefaults . You can also run commands to change specific parameters. For example, use this Wsadmin tool command to change the JVM Heap Size to the default value:
setJvmMaxHeapSize 1024

For more information about using the WebSphere Application Server administrative console and the Wsadmin tool, see the WebSphere Application Server documentation: V8.5.


  1. Modify the application server profile settings for WebSphere Application Server for the CCRC WAN server:
    • Run the setCMdefaultDefaults command to apply the default values to the profile hosting the CCRC WAN server.
      1. Open a command window or shell and go to the WebSphere Application Server bin directory.
        • Windows™:cd C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\bin\
        • UNIX or Linux:cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/bin/
      2. Run the following WebSphere command to set the WebSphere Application Server settings to the default values:
        • Windows:wsadmin.bat -profile -profileName ccrcwebprofile "C:\Program Files\DevOps\Code\ClearCase\web\ccrcAdminUtils.jacl" -c "setCMdefaultDefaults"
        • UNIX or Linux:./wsadmin.sh -profile -profileName ccrcwebprofile "/opt/devops/code/clearcase/web/ccrcAdminUtils.jacl" -c "setCMdefaultDefaults"
    • Use the WebSphere Application Server administrative console to change the settings:

      1. Start the WebSphere Application Server administrative console. The default location for the console is http://server:port/ibm/console.
        Tip: The port for the console is listed in <profile home>/logs/server1/AboutThisProfile.txt, where profile home is the home directory from the ClearCase Remote Client profile.
      2. In the administrative console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server1
      3. Update the settings to the default values listed in Table 1.

        If the profile is shared with other applications, consider the requirements for all applications before changing the values.

  2. Restart the WebSphere Application Server profile for the change to take effect.
    • Windows:stopServer.bat server1 -profileName cqwebprofilestartServer.bat server1 -profileName cqwebprofile
    • UNIX or Linux:./stopServer.sh server1 -profileName cqwebprofile./startServer.sh server1 -profileName cqwebprofile