Layered software packages

In some cases, correct DevOps Code ClearCase® processing requires installation of a layered software package.

Before installing DevOps Code ClearCase on a host, see the table below to determine whether you need to install such a package.
Note: Refer to the administration guide for the host operating system for details on obtaining and installing the required packages.
Table 1. Layered software packages required by DevOps Code ClearCase

Layered software packages required by DevOps Code ClearCase

Host type Package name Description
Solaris and x86 SUNWsprot Compilers, bundled tools; includes default make.rules file
SUNWscpr Source compatibility, root
SUNWscpu Source compatibility, user
SUNWmfrun Motif Runtime kit to run DevOps Code ClearCase GUIs
Linux™ 64-bit libraries of Open Motif package ClearCase requires the 64-bit libraries of Open Motif package on 64-bit Linux hosts.
HP-UX 11 11 X Window System: X11R6 (or later) Window system