Viewing objects and tags

Objects and tags include a variety of information that can be used to diagnose access problems to VOBs and views.

About this task

Use the VOB Objects and View Objects subnodes of the ClearCase® Registry node in the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console to inspect VOB and view objects:
  1. Start the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console.
  2. Navigate to the VOB Objects or View Objects subnode of the ClearCase Registry node.
  3. Select a VOB object or view object in the Details pane.
  4. Click Action > Properties.
Use the VOB Tags and View Tags subnodes of a region in the ClearCase Registry node in the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console to inspect VOB and view tags:
  1. Start the ClearCase Administration Console.
  2. Navigate to the VOB Tags or View Tags subnode of a region in the ClearCase Registry node.
  3. Select a VOB tag or view tag in the Details pane.
  4. Click Action > Properties.
You can also use lsvob or lsview with the –long option to report the following registry information for a VOB or view:
  • The tag
  • The server host name
  • The host-local storage access pathname
  • The global pathname
For example:
cleartool lsvob –long /vobs/sources 
Tag: /vobs/sources
  Global path: /net/neptune/vobstg/sources.vbs
  Server host: neptune
  Vob server access path: /vobstg/sources.vbs
cleartool lsview –long v5_integration
Tag: v5_integration
  Global path: /net/mars/viewstg/v5_integration.vws
  Server host: mars
  View server access path: /viewstg/v5_integration.vws

If a VOB or view is not listed in lsvob or lsview output, there is no tag for the VOB or view in the host’s region (or, if the lsview –region option is used, no tag in the region specified).