Improving client host performance

This topic explains techniques for improving DevOps Code ClearCase® performance on the client host. It is assumed that you have done controlled performance evaluations before attempting to improve client performance.

Administrative responsibilities related to client host performance include the following:
  • Establishing standards for client host configurations (memory, processing power, network interface characteristics, and local storage).
  • Understanding MVFS cache sizes and how to adjust them.
  • Understanding view caches and how to adjust them.
  • Establishing site-wide defaults for cache sizes.
Note: Most client host performance tuning procedures deal with the MVFS. They apply only to clients that run dynamic views.

Client host configuration guidelines

DevOps Code ClearCase client software makes demands on host memory, CPU, and storage subsystems that are comparable to the demands made by similar workstation applications. Any computer configured to support such applications will deliver good performance on the majority of DevOps Code ClearCase client tasks.

Because DevOps Code ClearCase is a distributed application, it also requires good performance from the client host's network interface and the network to which it is connected. Poor network performance has a negative impact on the responsiveness of even a well-configured DevOps Code ClearCase client host.

Additional memory might be appropriate for some client hosts. For example, a client host that is expected to do additional work, such as hosting distributed builds or shared views, needs additional memory and perhaps a larger, higher-performance disk subsystem. And any client that must run other workstation applications while it is also running DevOps Code ClearCase might need to have its resources adjusted to adequately support simultaneous use of both.