The registry server host

The DevOps Code ClearCase® registry is an integral part of most DevOps Code ClearCase operations, so the registry server host must be stable, available, and accessible to all hosts in the network.

Any DevOps Code ClearCase host can be a registry server. In a mixed community of hosts running different supported operating systems, the registry server can be a computer running any supported operating system. Because clients use RPCs to communicate with the registry server, platform differences are not important.

Registry requests are compact and registry lookups are efficient, so the registry server process (actually handled by the albd_server process) does not consume significant computing resources. The registry database does not usually grow very large (2 to 4 MB of storage can accommodate registry data for thousands of VOBs and views).

If you set up a backup registry host (as described in DevOps Code ClearCase registry backup and switchover), it can take over registry server duties if the primary registry host fails. It is also a good practice to back up registry data as part of your normal backup routine. For more information, see Backing up DevOps Code ClearCase registry data.