Guidelines for using multiple DevOps Code ClearCase registries

You can configure multiple DevOps Code ClearCase® registries if you need to limit VOB and view access to specific clients.

A registry server host can serve only one registry. You can establish multiple registries, each served by its own host, if your site includes multiple communities that do not need to, or must not, share VOBs or views. But it is generally simpler and no less secure to use the registry regions mechanism to limit the set of VOBs and views that a group of clients can access. A registry server does not consume significant computing resources or become a performance bottleneck even when serving many clients and providing access information for many VOBs and views. Any performance or scalability advantage that might be gained from using multiple registries is not likely to be significant, and is likely to be outweighed by the greater administrative overhead.

DevOps Code ClearCase provides no tools to automate the sharing of data between registries, so if you choose to implement multiple registries at a site, each one must be administered separately. For example, you must manually create object and tag entries in the registry for all VOBs and views created on hosts that use a different registry server, and site defaults must be established and managed separately for each registry.