Migrating from the base ClearCase-ClearQuest integration to CMI

Migrating from the Perl V2 base ClearCase®-ClearQuest® integration to Change Management Interface (CMI) entails using some ClearCase tools to find the versions that have the integration's CrmRequest hyperlinks and creating CMI task-version associations that correspond to those hyperlinks.

About this task

Before you begin, note that
  • Some steps in the following procedure require a privileged identity.
  • The procedure instructs you to set any view. The view's config spec is irrelevant because the view is needed only to run cleartool find to find all versions that require CMI task associations, regardless of whether the versions are selected by the view.


  1. To prevent CrmRequest hyperlinks from being generated while existing ones are being parsed, lock the VOB that is to be migrated for all users except yourself:
     cleartool lock -nusers login-name vob:pname-in-vob
  2. Ensure that the PATH variable includes the location of ratlperl: (on Windows: C:\Program Files\DevOps\Code\ClearCase\common\perl\; on the UNIX system and Linux: /opt/rational/common/bin/).
  3. Set any view.
  4. Create a directory that is to contain the files that the migration tool generates; for example, /mytemp.
  5. Invoke the migration tool: ratlperl cmi_migrate.pl. The tool prompts for the VOB tag of the VOB that is to be migrated and the directory that you created to store the files that are to be generated. By default, the files are named cmi_repair_log and cmi_migration_versions.txt.
  6. At this point you can either quit the tool and configure cmi_migration.txt manually, or you can continue with the migration. If you quit the tool, you can run it later to resume the migration. If you continue, you are prompted for a description for the CMI provider, a query URI, and a name for the provider. After you provide that information, the tool creates the attribute types that CMI requires, runs the cleartool mkcmprovider command to configure the VOB and the participating branch types, and generates the file cmi_migration_versions.txt. That file lists all versions that require task associations to be created in CMI.
  7. Log in as root (UNIX system and Linux) or as a privileged user on Windows.
  8. If the VOB is ACL-enabled, ensure that your identity has permission to modify elements. For example, add permissions for root to the DefaultPolicy:
    cleartool chpolicy -nc -kind element -add User:root -permission Full DefaultPolicy
  9. Add your CMI credentials; specify the password only if your ClearQuest deployment requires one:
    cmiregister -add -cq -name provider-name -dbset dbset-name -userdb userdatabase-name -username user-name [ -password password ] 
  10. Set any view (if you are not already in a view).
  11. You may now use the clmutil command to preview the task associations that are to be created (refer to the reference page) or you may proceed directly to create them; for example:
    clmutil cmi_repair -verbose -migrate -repair_file migrate_versions_file_pname
  12. Open the V2 base ClearCase-ClearQuest integration configuration dialog and disable prompts to choose task associations. This step prevents users from creating CrmRequest hyperlinks.