Routine administration tasks

From time to time, you might need to review and update CMI configuration parameters. You should review the CMI log regularly for evidence of problems.

  • To update CM configuration parameters, use the mkcmprovider command with the -replace option. Refer to the mkcmprovider reference page for details.
  • To delete CM providers, use the rmprovider command (see the reference page).
  • To list information about CM providers, use the lsprovider command (see the reference page).
  • CMI errors might indicate configuration or Change Management operation errors. Because some errors can cause discordance between DevOps Code ClearCase® and the CM provider, you should review the CMI log regularly and resolve the problems that caused the errors. CMI messages are logged in ccase-home-dir\var\log\cmi.log (Windows) or /var/adm/atria/log/cmi_log (UNIX/Linux). All ClearCase users must have write permission to the log directory.