Updating RTC task links after a CLM server rename operation

When a CLM server is renamed, the links from element versions to RTC tasks need to be updated in some cases.

About this task

Preview changes to the links before making any changes and verify the changes after making them.


  1. Referring to RTC administration documentation, complete the CLM server rename procedure.
  2. If the bridge is used with UCM streams only, no further action is required. Also, if the VOB is at a schema version earlier than 80, or its feature level is 6 or lower, no further action is required. Use cleartool describe to verify the schema version and feature level of the VOB; for example, cleartool describe –long vob:.
  3. Notify users that links between element versions and RTC tasks are to be updated due to the renaming of the CLM server. Inform ClearCase-RTC bridge users that they must suspend their work, but that other users can continue to work as usual.
  4. At each VOB where element versions are linked to RTC tasks,
    1. Use clmutil list to list links that are to be updated.
    2. Use clmutil replace –preview to preview changes to the links and verify their correctness.
    3. Use clmutil replace (omitting the –preview option) to update task links in the VOB.
    4. As an additional check on the correctness of the updated links, use cleartool describe on element versions that have links to RTC tasks.
  5. If the VOB is replicated, and if some branches for task-linked versions are mastered at other replicas, repeat Step 4 at those replicas.
  6. Notify users that they can resume their work.


Element version links to RTC tasks refer to the new location of the CLM server.