
CMI administration tool



Command type








  • Replace existing URI strings with new ones.
    clmutil replace [ -verbose | -silent ] [ -preview ]
    -old_string string -new_string string vob_tag [ . . . ]
  • List work items that match a URI string and display the versions that are associated with those work items.
    clmutil list [ -verbose ] [ -all | -string string ]
    vob_tag [ . . . ]
  • Migrate from the V2 Perl base-ClearCase/ClearQuest® integration to CMI.
    clmutil cmi_repair [ -verbose ] [ -preview ] [-migration_file pname ]
  • Repair broken links.
    clmutil cmi_repair [ -verbose ] [ -preview ] [ -repair_file pname ]
  • Display the help for all commands or for a single command.
    clmutil help [ command ]
  • End an interactive session.
    clmutil [ quit | exit ]


Use the clmutil command to
  • Replace existing URIs with new URIs
  • Preview changes to URIs without making any changes
  • List work items that are attached to URIs
  • Migrate from the V2 Perl base-ClearCase/ClearQuest integration to CMI
  • Repair broken links.
You can use clmutil in either of two modes:
  • Single-command mode:

    clmutil command options args

  • Interactive mode:


    clmutil> command options args
    clmutil> quit

This utility is installed in the /bin directory and must be run from that directory:
  • On Windows: c:\Program Files\DevOps\Code\ClearCase\bin\clmutil
  • On UNIX systems and Linux:/opt/devops/code/clearcase/bin/clmutil


To use clmutil cmi_repair ... [ -repair_file pname ], you must be root (on UNIX or Linux) or a member of the Administrator group and the ClearCase group on Windows (except when -preview is specified). You must run this command in a view.

Options and arguments


The name of the task is listed with the number of versions that are attached to it.
Suppresses messages. This option is invalid with -preview.
Enables verbose status messages.
Lists all tasks.

Previewing changes

No preview of changes.
Displays the changes that would be made if this option were not specified. This option is invalid with -silent.

Specifying the URI

-old_string string
Specifies an existing URI string.
-new_string string
Specifies a URI string that is to replace an existing string. When used with the -preview option, shows the changes that would be effected if -preview were not specified.
Specifies any part of a URI string, or the entire string.

Specifying the VOB

vob-tag [ . . . ]
Specifies one or more mounted VOBs.

Specifying the repair file

Occasionally, the process of establishing a link with the change management provider database may fail to complete, due to network instability, user error, or some other reason. When CMI encounters an error while creating a link to a change management provider, recovery information is written to the file cmi_repair_log (to enable repair logging, add the line cmiRepairLogEnabled=true to the CMI configuration file located in the config directory of the ClearCase installation.) The repair log file is used as input to clmutil cmi_repair.

cmi_repair_log or cmi_repair_log.backup. If you do not specify a repair file, cmi_repair_log is renamed to cmi_repair_log.backup so that the original file can continue to collect errors. In this case, the backup file is used as the source of data for the repair operations.
-repair_file pname
Specifies a repair file: a copy of cmi_repair_log, possibly edited.

Specifying the migration file for migrating V2 Perl base-ClearCase/ClearQuest integration to CMI

After running to generate a migration file that lists versions that require task associations, use clmutil cmi_repair ... -migration_file to create the task associations on the versions and to update the links tab on the ClearQuest records.

cmi_migration_versions.txt (generated by
-migration_file pname
Specifies the migration file.

Displaying help

Help is displayed for all commands.
Specifies a command for which the help is to be displayed.

See also

IBM® Rational® Team Concert documentation,