
Exports and unexports VOBs to NFS clients (non-ClearCase® access)



Command type







ccase-home-dir/etc/export_mvfs [ –a ] [ –i ] [ –u [ –r ] ] [ –v ]
[ –I exportid ] [ –o options ] [ pname ]


The export_mvfs command enables access by products outside DevOps Code ClearCase and DevOps Code ClearCase MultiSite by making a local VOB available for mounting over the network by hosts on which ClearCase is not installed. This command is the ClearCase counterpart of the exportfs(1M) (HP-UX 11, or AIX) or share(1M) (Solaris) command for file systems of type MVFS.



You must be root.


No locks apply.


(Replicated VOBs) No mastership restrictions.

Options and arguments

With no options or arguments, export_mvfs lists the VOBs currently exported by the host.

(All) Exports all path names listed in /etc/exports.mvfs; with –u, unexports all currently exported VOBs.
Ignores the options in /etc/exports.mvfs. By default, export_mvfs consults /etc/exports.mvfs for the options associated with each path name to be exported.
–u [ –r ]
Unexports the specified path names. With –a, unexports all currently exported VOBs. With –r, removes view/export ID mapping from the MVFS but leaves the view active.
(Verbose) Displays each path name as it is exported or unexported.
–I exportid
Specifies an export ID for temporary NFS export of a view. Start with export ID 4095 and work down. (View export IDs that are assigned automatically start at 1 and work up.)
Note: Do not use this option for views that already have export IDs assigned in the ClearCase registry. Use lsview –long view-tag to determine whether a view has an assigned export ID.
–o options
A comma-separated list of optional characteristics for the path names being exported. For the supported options, see the exports_ccase reference page.
A view-extended path name to the VOB tag (mount point) of the VOB to be exported.
Note: Symbolic links within the directory mounted by the NFS client may not resolve correctly, which can cause "file not found" errors when accessed on the client host. This is especially true for links that contain one or more occurrences of ".." in their path name, because the meaning of ".." is different in the client context.


  • /etc/exports.mvfs
  • /opt/devops/clearcase/etc/export_mvfs