
Lists objects mastered by a replica



Command type


cleartool subcommand


multitool subcommand






lsmaster [ –kind object-selector-kind[,...] ] [ –fmt format-string ]
[ –view view-tag ] [ –inr/eplicas { –all | replica-name[,...] } ]

master-replica-selector ...


This command lists objects mastered by a replica. By default, the command uses only the information known to your current replica. If you list objects mastered by a sibling replica, changes that have not been imported at your current replica are not included in the output. For example, a label type is added at replica sanfran_hub, but replica boston_hub has not imported the update packet that contains the change. If you enter the command multitool lsmaster sanfran_hub at the boston_hub replica, the output does not include the new label type.

To retrieve information from a sibling replica, use –inreplicas. This form of the command contacts the sibling replicas and works only between sites that have IP connections. If lsmaster cannot contact a replica, it prints an error and tries to contact the next replica you specified.

Object name resolution

If you have a view context, lsmaster uses the view to resolve object identifiers (OIDs) of file system objects to the names of the objects. If you do not have a view context, lsmaster prints OIDs for file system objects. If you do not have a view context and you specify the –fmt option, lsmaster prints errors for filesystem objects. You can specify a view context with the –view option.

When you specify –inreplicas, lsmaster prints OIDs for objects whose creation operations have not yet been imported at your current replica.



Options and arguments

Specifying the object kinds

lsmaster lists objects mastered by the replica.
–kind object-selector-kind[,...]
Limits the listing to the specified object kinds. The list of object kinds must be comma-separated, with no spaces. object-selector-kind can take the following values:
Values for ClearCase:
  • attype
  • branch
  • brtype
  • delem (directory element)
  • eltype
  • felem (file element)
  • hlink
  • hltype
  • lbtype
  • slink
  • vob
Note: –kind branch lists explicitly mastered branch instances only. Instances that are mastered by default (that is, by the replica that masters the branch type) are not listed. To determine the default mastership of a branch instance, use the command cleartool describe -long branch.
Values for ClearCase UCM:
  • activity
  • baseline
  • component
  • folder
  • project
  • stream
Values for MultiSite:
  • replica

Report format

For file system objects, the master replica, object kind, and OID of each object are listed. For example:

master replica: boston_hub@/vobs/dev  file
element:oid:40e022a3.241d11ca ...

For non-file system objects, the master replica, object kind, and name of each object are listed. For example:

master replica: boston_hub@/vobs/dev  brtype:main

–fmt format-string
Lists information using the specified format string. For details about using this option, see the fmt_ccase reference page.

Specifying a view context

The command uses your current view context.
–view view-tag
Specifies a view.

Specifying the replica from which to retrieve information

The command uses the information in your current replica.
–inr/eplicas { –all | replica-name[,...] }
With –all, retrieves information from all replicas in the VOB family (except deleted replicas). Otherwise, retrieves information from the sibling replicas you specify. The list of replicas must be comma-separated, with no spaces.

Specifying the replica whose mastered objects are displayed

No default; you must specify a replica.
master-replica-selector ...
Lists objects mastered by the specified replica. Specify master-replica-selector in the form [replica:]replica-name[@vob-selector]

master-replica-selector ...


Name of the replica


VOB family of the replica; can be omitted if the current working directory is within the VOB.

Specify vob-selector in the form [vob:]pname-in-vob


Path name of the VOB tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted)


In these examples, the lines are broken for readability. You must enter each command on a single physical line.

  • List all objects mastered by the replica sanfran_hub.

    multitool lsmaster –view v4.1 –fmt "%m:%n\n" sanfran_hub@/vobs_dev
    directory element:/vobs_dev.@@
    file element:/vobs_dev/lib/file.c@@
    symbolic link:/vobs_dev/doc

  • List all label types mastered by the replica boston_hub.

    cleartool lsmaster –fmt "%m:%n\n" –kind lbtype boston_hub@\doc
    label type:LATEST
    label type:CHECKEDOUT
    label type:BACKSTOP
    label type:REL1

  • List all element types, label types, and branch types mastered by the replica sanfran_hub.

    cleartool lsmaster –kind eltype,lbtype,brtype sanfran_hub
    master replica: sanfran_hub@\dev "element type" file_system_object
    master replica: sanfran_hub@\dev "element type" file
    master replica: sanfran_hub@\dev "element type" directory
    master replica: sanfran_hub@\dev "branch type" sanfran_main
    master replica: sanfran_hub@\dev "branch type" v1.0_bugfix
    master replica: sanfran_hub@\dev "label type" LATEST
    master replica: sanfran_hub@\dev "label type" SANFRAN_V2.0
    master replica: sanfran_hub@\dev "label type" V1.0_BUGFIX
    master replica: sanfran_hub@\dev "label type" TOKYO_BASE
    master replica: sanfran_hub@\dev "label type" SYDNEY_BASE

  • List the name and creation comment of each element type mastered by the replica boston_hub. Contact the boston_hub replica to retrieve the data.

    multitool lsmaster –inreplicas boston_hub –fmt "%n\t%c\n"
    –kind eltype boston_hub@/vobs/dev

    In replica "boston_hub"
    binary_delta_file       Predefined element type used to represent
    a file in binary delta format.

  • List information from all replicas in the VOB family about the objects mastered by the replica sanfran_hub. Do not use a view context.

    multitool lsmaster –inreplicas –all sanfran_hub@/vobs_dev
    In replica "boston_hub"
    master replica: sanfran_hub@/vobs_dev "versioned object base" /vobs_dev
    master replica: sanfran_hub@/vobs_dev "directory element"
    master replica: sanfran_hub@/vobs_dev "directory element"

    Use a view context:

    multitool lsmaster –view v4.1 –inreplicas –all sanfran_hub@/vobs_dev
    In replica "boston_hub"
    master replica: sanfran_hub@/vobs_dev "versioned object base" /vobs_dev
    master replica: sanfran_hub@/vobs_dev "directory element"
    master replica: sanfran_hub@/vobs_dev "directory element"

  • List information from the sanfran_hub replica about the objects mastered by the replica boston_hub.

    multitool lsmaster –view v4.1 –inreplicas sanfran_hub boston_hub@\doc

  • List all projects, baselines, and streams mastered by the replica boston_hub. Contact the boston_hub replica to retrieve the data.
    multitool lsmaster –inreplicas boston_hub –kind project,baseline,stream  
    In replica "boston_hub"
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs_projects "project" V4.5.BL3
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs_projects "project" doc_localize
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs_projects "stream" 4.5.bl2_int
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs_projects "project" V4.5.BL2
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs_projects "stream" 4.5.bl2
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs_projects "stream" stream000317.160434
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs_projects "stream" stream000317.173156
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs_projects "baseline" V4.5.BL2.011005.12820
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs_projects "baseline" V4.5.BL2.011005.12890
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs_projects "baseline" V4.5.BL2.011005.17408
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs_projects "baseline" V4.5.BL2.011005.17695
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs_projects "baseline" V4.5.BL2.011005.19614