
VOB and view objects are the fundamental units of DevOps Code ClearCase® registry data.

Every VOB or view must have only one object entry in the registry. The object is created when the VOB or view is created, and it provides a persistent record of the information that enables VOB or view server processes to access VOB or view data.

A VOB object holds the following information:
  • The name of the host on which the VOB's server processes run. These server processes run on the host where the VOB storage directory is located unless that directory is located on a network-attached storage (NAS) device.
  • The VOB’s universal unique identifiers (UUIDs). Each VOB has a replica UUID and a family UUID. The UUIDs are generated when the VOB is created, stored in the VOB database, and copied into the VOB object entry by the register command (which is run implicitly by mkvob and GUIs that create VOBs). If a VOB is replicated (by using DevOps Code ClearCase MultiSite), each replica in a family has its own replica UUID, but all replicas in a family have the same family UUID. If a VOB is not replicated, the family UUID is not used.
  • A pathname to the VOB storage directory, expressed in a form that is valid on the VOB host itself. This host-local pathname is used by the VOB’s server processes.
  • VOB object attributes, which may include any of the following:
    • UCM VOB (the VOB is a UCM project VOB)
    • Replicated (the VOB is MultiSite-replicated)
A view object holds the following information:
  • The name of the host on which the view’s server processes run. The view’s server processes run on the host where the view storage directory is located unless the view storage directory is located on a NAS device.
  • The view’s UUID. The view UUID is also generated when the view is created, stored in the view storage directory, and copied into the view object.
  • A pathname to the view storage directory, expressed in a form that is valid on the host. This host-local pathname is used by the view’s server processes.
  • The user name of the view’s owner.
  • View object attributes, which may include any of the following:
    • Snapshot view
    • UCM view (sometimes displayed as sumview)
    • Web view (always paired with the Snapshot view attribute)

A VOB or view object is added to the registry when the VOB or view is created. The entry is updated whenever the VOB or view is reformatted (reformatvob, reformatview), because reformatting changes a VOB’s replica UUID (but not its family UUID) or a view’s UUID.

You can update or remove a VOB or view object manually by using the cleartool register and unregister commands. You can also use the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console. Typically, this action is required only when you do any of the following tasks:
  • Move a VOB or view to another host
  • Rename a VOB or view server host
  • Clean up the registry after an incomplete or incorrect removal of a VOB or view