Post messages or comments

You can comment on a someone's status or post a message for them on their profile page.

About this task

The Recent Updates section of a person's profile displays their status, notifications of certain actions, and updates of contacts whom they follow. By posting a message or comment on their profile page, you can communicate with a person. The profile owner receives an email notification whenever a message or comment is posted to their profile.

Your administrator controls who can write on a person's recent updates area. If you do not see the option to post a message or comment when you view someone's profile, then you do not have access to write on their profile.


  • To post a message to another user's profile page:
    1. On the person's profile page, click inside the message field in the Recent Updates area, where What are you working on right now? is displayed.
    2. Enter your message, and then click Post.
  • To post a comment to another user's profile:
    1. Locate the message or comment to which you want to respond.
      1. If you are responding to a message, click Comment under the message.
      2. If you are responding to a comment, click Add a comment under the comment.
    2. Enter your reply and click Post.