Adding more owners to a forum

If you are the Forums administrator or a forum owner, you can add more owners to a forum to share the responsibilities of forum ownership.

About this task

When you create a forum, you automatically become the forum owner. You can add more owners to a forum after you created it.


To add more owners to a forum, complete the following steps:
  1. From the Forums tab on the My Forums page, open the forum to which you want to add new owners.
  2. In the Owners area, click Add Owners.
  3. Enter the names of the people who you want to add as owners in the field provided.

    As you enter names, the type-ahead function predicts the name that you are typing by comparing it to names in your company directory. If it proposes the name that you want, click the name to add it. If the name is not listed, click Person not listed? Use full search to search the company directory.

  4. Click OK to add the new owners.


The new owners are now listed in the Owner area.

What to do next

If you want to remove owners from the forum, clicking the Remove this member icon icon near their names in the Owner area.