Viewing members of a community

Find out who else belongs to your community or to a community that you are thinking of joining.

About this task

Anyone who can access a community can view the members for that community.

Restricted communities can include users that are external to your organization. External users' picture have an icon superimposed on them external user.


To view the members of a community, perform one of the following steps:
  • Use the Members area on the community Overview page to view a random selection of members from the community. Click View All to display the complete list of members on the Members page.

    Where ever a member’s name displays in the community, you can access their business card by hovering over their name and clicking the link that is displayed. The business card provides a useful snapshot of a user's profile information. The business card provides links to the IBM Connections™ apps that are used by the person and allows you to perform a number of actions.

  • Click Members in the navigation pane to open the Members page and display a full list of the community membership. Use the Filter by menu to display the complete list of members or to sort the membership list according to role. Use the Sort by options to sort the display in order of Name, which lists members in alphabetical order, or Date Added, which lists the newest members first.

    The Members page displays any groups that have been added to the community, however, you cannot view the group membership list from the page.

  • To find a specific community member, click Find a Member on the Members page and enter a name in the field provided. As you start typing, names from the community membership list are suggested to you. When you see the name that you want, you can click it. If your site uses the Profiles app, the person’s profile displays. If your site does not use the Profiles app, a list of the public communities to which the person belongs displays.