Enabling push notification for the WAS proxy server

If you set up a WebSphere® Application Server for long polling, you must enable push notification for that WebSphere Application Server.

Before you begin

About this task


  1. To enable push notification, make the following change in LotusConnections-Config.xml:
    <sloc:serviceReference bootstrapHost="admin_replace" bootstrapPort="admin_replace" clusterName="" enabled="true" 
    serviceName="pushnotification" ssl_enabled="true">
          <sloc:static href="admin_replace" ssl_href="admin_replace"/> 
          <sloc:interService href="admin_replace"/> 
  2. To configure push notification settings, you must update pushnotification-config.xml. The following example provides some sample information. The settings that you need in your environment might vary.
    <config id="pushnotification"      
                <user timeout="3600000" />
           <db dialect="DB2" />
                <queue maximumAgeInHours="720"/>      
                <task name="MessagePrunning" interval="0 0 0-23/3 * * ?|0 30 1-23/3 * * ?" enabled="false" type="internal"/>      
               <bayeuxServer logLevel="3"/>          
               <transports timeout="60000" interval="0" metaConnectDeliverOnly="true" maxQueue="-1"/>
  3. Enable the source provider of the filesync channel:
    1. Verify that the filesync entry in files-config.xml is set to true:<fileSync enabled="true">
    2. In the Files application, make sure the applicable users and groups have the security role filesync-user assigned.

      For example, to assign the filesync-user role to all authenticated users, navigate to Applications > Application Types > Enterprise Applications > Files > Security role to user/group mapping from the Websphere console. Select the filesync-user check box for All Authenticated in Application's Realm.

    3. Verify that the gatekeeper flag FILESYNC_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE is set to true. The default value is false.
  4. Enable the notification center's use of the push notification service.
    Verify that the gatekeeper flag NEWS_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE is enabled.