Using the database wizard in silent mode for Oracle

Run the database wizard in silent mode when you need an identical installation on multiple servers.

Before you begin

Ensure that the wizard has created the file in the user_settings/lcWizard/response/dbWizard directory.

To create a response file, run the wizard in standard mode and specify that you would like to create a response file. You can modify the existing response file or create your own, using a text editor. For more information, see the Database wizard response file topic.

(Oracle only) Ensure that the Statement cache size for the data sources on WebSphere Application Server is no larger than 50. A higher value could lead to Out Of Memory errors on the application server instance.

About this task

To create databases in silent mode, complete the following steps:


  1. From a command prompt, change to the directory where the wizard is located.
  2. Launch the wizard by running the following command:
    • AIX®: ./ -silent response_file
    • Linux®: ./ -silent response_file
    • Microsoft® Windows®: dbWizard.bat -silent response_file
    where response_file is the file path to the response file.
    Note: If the path to the response_file contains a space, this parameter must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").

What to do next

After the wizard has finished, check the log file in the dbUser_home/lcWizard/log/dbWizard directory for messages. The log file name uses the time as a postfix. For example: dbConfig_20110308_202501.log.