Changing the search definition for a business object

Search definitions define the characteristics of an object search type hat is available in Management Center when a business user is searching for business objects. You can customize the search definitions for an object type to change the characteristics that are used or display when a user searches for a business object.


  1. Open HCL Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
  2. Expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF > src > xml > commerce > component > searchDefinitions, where component is the name of the Management Center. All search definitions for business objects that are managed by Management Center are stored in this directory.
  3. Open the search definitions file for the business object that you want to change.
  4. Update the search definition for the object.
    You can change the following attributes and elements for the definition.
    • The display name for an object. Change this value by updating the applicable property file and associated resource bundle file.
    • The list definition for defining the display of the search results.
    • The list title of the search results. Change the list title name in the applicable property file and associated resource bundle file.
    • The advanced search content class if applicable by defining a new advanced search content class.
    The following code snippet shows the search definition for finding master categories in the Catalogs tool.
    <SearchDefinition advancedSearchContentClass="cmc/catalog/CategoriesAdvancedSearchContent" definitionName="cmc/catalog/FindCategories" 
     helpLink="tasks/tpn_topcategories.htm" icon="catalogGroupIcon" listDefinition="cmc/catalog/CategorySearchGrid" 
     listTitle="${catalogResources.categorySearchTitle}" objectTypeDisplayName="${catalogResources.category_DisplayName}" 
     searchType="FindCategories" tooltip="${catalogResources.searchCategoriesTooltip}" 
    <dependency localName="catalogResources" moduleName="cmc/catalog/CatalogResources"/>
    <SearchService name="findAllCategories" url="/cmc/FindCategories-All">
    <ServiceParam name="storeId"/>
    <ServiceParam name="masterCatalogId"/>
    <ServiceParam name="masterCatalogIdentifier"/>
    <ServiceParam name="masterCatalogStoreId"/>
  5. If you use a resource bundle for your search definitions, update any properties file that includes text for the search definition attributes that you changed. For more information about editing properties files, see Defining user interface text in Management Center.
  6. Save and publish your changes.