Changing a column name in a list view

You can change the name of a column heading for an existing Management Center list view.


  1. Open HCL Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
  2. Expand LOBTools > Java Resources > src >, where component is the name of the Management Center component.
  3. Open and review the properties file that contains the column name that you want to change. Do not edit this properties file.
    The properties files that are named with the format include the list of keys for all user interface elements within the Management Center tool for that component.
    For example, the file is the English language properties file for the Catalogs tool.
  4. Within the properties files that you are reviewing, identify and copy the key-column name combination that you want to change. The keys that include the text "ColumnHeader" define the list view column headers.
    For example, if you want to change the column header Code that displays for products, copy the following key-column name combination:
  5. In the parent src directory, create an extension package to extend the package. Name your extension package, where mycompany is the name of your company.
  6. Within your package, create a properties file. Name the file with the same name as the properties file that you want to extend.
  7. Open your new file for editing, and paste the key-column name combination that you copied into your new file. Edit the key-column name combination to set your preferred column name.
    For example, if you want to change the column header "Code" to be "SKU Number", your key-column name combination can resemble the following code:
    productPartnumber_ColumnHeader=SKU Number
  8. Save and publish your changes.