Search results page

In the responsive B2B search results page, customers can see a list of catalog entries (product, bundles, kits) that matched the search terms that they entered on your site. Customers can switch from a grid view to a list view, sort the list by various criteria, and change the number of catalog entries that are displayed. This page can also list search results for web content, such as content pages, PDF documents, and videos.

Layouts for the search results page are managed in the Commerce Composer tool.

Screen captures

The following screen captures show the responsive search results page on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices:

Note: To reduce scrolling, the screen captures are cropped. To see full-sized screen captures, see the link after the mobile screen capture.

Desktop screen capture

Desktop screen capture

Tablet screen capture

Tablet screen capture

Mobile screen capture

Mobile screen capture

Full size screen captures

Page information

In the Aurora starter store, the default layout for the search results page is used, unless the business user has created a different layout and assigned the layout to one or more search terms. The previous screen captures show the default layout for the search results page.


The following wireframe is used for the default layout for the responsive search results page:

Wireframe for the search results page default layout

Widget information

The following widgets are included in the default layout for the responsive search results page:

Widget information
Slot Widget Name Widget Type E-Marketing Spot or Content Name
1 BreadcrumbTrailWidget Breadcrumb Trail widget (not applicable)
2 HeaderLeftBannerContentWidget E-Marketing Spot widget (Common) HeaderLeftAdvertisement
3 HeaderRightBannerContentWidget E-Marketing Spot widget (Common) HeaderRightAdvertisement
4 CategoryNavigationWidget Category Navigation Widget (not applicable)
4 FacetNavigationWidget Facet Navigation Widget (not applicable)
5 SearchSummaryWidget Search Summary Widget (not applicable)
Title 6 Tab1TextWidget Text Editor Widget (not applicable)
Tab 6 CatalogEntryListWidget Catalog Entry List Widget (not applicable)
Title 7 Tab2TextWidget Text Editor Widget (not applicable)
Tab 7 SiteContentListWidget Site Content List Widget (not applicable)