The Product Price Update message includes the PRODUCT_PRICE_UPDATE_HDR010_DATA segment. This data segment consists of product or item pricing information for the Product Price Update message.

The Product Price Update message supports two sets of application data: Product Price Update version 01 and Product Price Update version 02. Version 02 includes a superset of the data within version 01. Specifically, the PRODUCT_PRICE_UPDATE_HDR010_DATA segment for version 01 contains a value of 01 for the field NC_HDR010VersionNumber; whereas version 02 contains a value of 02 for NC_HDR010VersionNumber. In addition, version 02 also contains an additional field called NC_ProductNumber.

The format and the source of the fields for PRODUCT_PRICE_UPDATE_HDR010_DATA for version 02 are described in the following table. For field lengths, use the table below. For a description of a database column, follow the link to its associated table.

Field Name Field Type Table Name Column Name Description
NC_HDR010 VersionNumber CHAR (2) N/A N/A (fixed value of 02)
NC_Product RefNumber CHAR (10) OFFER CATENTRY_ID The CatalogEntry offered for sale.
NC_Product Price CHAR (16) OFFERPRICE PRICE Price of the product or item.
NC_Currency Type CHAR (10) OFFERPRICE CURRENCY Currency in which the price is expressed. The format of the currency must adhere to ISO 4217 standards.
NC_Shopper Group CHAR (10) OFFER TRADEPOSCN_ID The TradingPositionContainer of which the Offer is a part.
NC_Precedence CHAR (10) OFFER PRECEDENCE Precedence for this price.
NC_Merchant RefNumber CHAR (10) CATENTRY MEMBER_ID The reference number that identifies the owner of the Catalog Entry.
NC_ProductNumber CHAR (64) CATENTRY PARTNUMBER The reference number that identifies the owner of the Catalog Entry
NC_Product PriceRefNum CHAR (10) OFFER OFFER_ID Product or item price reference number.
NC_Start Timestamp CHAR (26) OFFER STARTDATE Date that the product or item price becomes effective, in the format YYYYMMDDhh:mm:ss.ssssss. Default is the current date and time.
NC_End Timestamp CHAR (26) OFFER ENDDATE Date that the product or item price expires, in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssssss. Default is 9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999.
NC_Price CustomField1 N/A N/A N/A Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Price CustomField2 N/A N/A N/A Reserved for merchant customization.

Behavior for version 02:

  • The currency type (which references CURRENCY in the OFFERPRICE table) is mandatory and must be specified in ISO 4217 format.
  • If the product price reference number (which references OFFER_ID in the OFFER table) is specified, this value along with the currency type, will be used as the key to update a row in the OFFERPRICE table.
  • If the product price reference number (OFFER_ID) is not specified, then the combination of the product reference number (which references CATENTRY_ID in the CATENTRY table) and either the precedence (which references PRECEDENCE in the OFFER table) or the trade position container (which references TRADEPOSCN_ID in the OFFER table) will be used to obtain a product price reference number (OFFER_ID). This value, along with the currency type, will be used as the key to update a row in the OFFERPRICE table.
  • If the product reference number (CATENTRY_ID) is not specified, then the combination of the product number (which references PARTNUMBER in the CATENTRY table) and the merchant reference number (which references MEMBER_ID in the CATENTRY table) will be used to obtain a product reference number (CATENTRY_ID). This value, along with either the precedence (PRECEDENCE) or the trade position container (TRADEPOSCN_ID), will be used to obtain a product price reference number (OFFER_ID). The product price reference number, along with the currency type, will be used as the key to update a row in the OFFERPRICE table.
  • If the product price reference number (OFFER_ID) matches an existing one in the database, but the currency type does not match a currency type for any record with that product price reference number, a new record will be created in the OFFERPRICE table. This allows you to specify prices in different currencies for the same offer.
  • If the precedence (PRECEDENCE) is not specified, then the ProductOfferPriceUpdate command locates all previous records that match the values given without the precedence. The maximum of these values is taken and incremented by one. If a previous record does not exist, then the precedence value is set to 1. A new row is inserted in the table OFFERPRICE with the new precedence value. The precedence value must be less than10>. If the maximum value has been reached, then the new update will be rejected.

The format and the source of the fields for PRODUCT_PRICE_UPDATE_HDR010_DATA for version 01 are described in the following table:

Field Name Field Type Table Name Column Name Description
NC_HDR010 VersionNumber CHAR (2) N/A N/A Fixed value of 01.
NC_Product RefNumber CHAR (10) OFFER CATENTRY_ID The CatalogEntry offered for sale.
NC_Product Price CHAR (16) OFFERPRICE PRICE Price of the product or item.
NC_Currency Type CHAR (10) OFFERPRICE CURRENCY Currency in which the price is expressed. The format of the currency must adhere to ISO 4217 standards.
NC_Shopper Group CHAR (10) OFFER TRADEPOSCN_ID The TradingPositionContainer of which the Offer is a part.
NC_Precedence CHAR (10) OFFER PRECEDENCE Precedence for this price.
NC_Merchant RefNumber CHAR (10) CATENTRY MEMBER_ID The reference number that identifies the owner of the Catalog Entry.
NC_Product PriceRefNum CHAR (10) OFFER OFFER_ID Product or item price reference number.
NC_Start Timestamp CHAR (26) OFFER STARTDATE Date and time that the product or item price becomes effective, in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss:ssssss. Default is the current date and time.
NC_End Timestamp CHAR (26) OFFER ENDDATE Date and time that the product or item price expires, in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss:ssssss. Default is 9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999.
NC_Price CustomField1 CHAR (30) N/A N/A Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Price CustomField2 CHAR (1) N/A N/A Reserved for merchant customization.

Behavior for version 01:

  • The currency type (which references CURRENCY in the OFFERPRICE table) is mandatory and must be specified in ISO 4217 format.
  • If the product price reference number (which references OFFER_ID in the OFFER table) is specified, this value along with the currency type, will be used as the key to update a row in the OFFERPRICE table.
  • If the product price reference number (OFFER_ID) is not specified, then the combination of the product reference number (which references CATENTRY_ID in the CATENTRY table) and either the precedence (which references PRECEDENCE in the OFFER table) or the trade position container (which references TRADEPOSCN_ID in the OFFER table) will be used to obtain a product price reference number (OFFER_ID). This value, along with the currency type, will be used as the key to update a row in the OFFERPRICE table.
  • If the product price reference number (OFFER_ID) matches an existing one in the database, but the currency type does not match a currency type for any record with that product price reference number, a new record will be created in the OFFERPRICE table. This allows you to specify prices in different currencies for the same offer.
  • If the precedence (PRECEDENCE) is not specified, then the ProductOfferPriceUpdate command locates all previous records that match the values given without the precedence. The maximum of these values is taken and incremented by one. If a previous record does not exist, then the precedence value is set to 1. A new row is inserted in the table OFFERPRICE with the new precedence value. The precedence value must be less than10>. If the maximum value has been reached, then the new update will be rejected.