Viewing comments added to a return

Use the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to view a comment added to an existing return, whether the comment is for a specific product within a return or for the return as a whole.


  1. Open WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
  2. Find the return that you want to work with.
  3. Depending on the type of comment you want to view:
    • To view a comment added to the return as a whole, such as a note about why the customer requested a refund for all three products in the original order:
      1. From the list of returns, select the check box next to the return that you want to work with, and click Summary. A return summary is displayed.
      2. View the comments for the return from the Comments section.
      3. Click Cancel to close the page.
    • To view a comment added to a specific product within the return, such as details about why the customer requested a refund for one of the three products in the original order:
      1. From the list of returns, select the check box next to the return that you want to work with, and click Summary. A summary of the return is displayed.
      2. Scroll down to the Remarks section to view comments to the product.
      3. Click OK to close the page.