Changing a WebSphere Commerce password

If you have the appropriate authority, you can change the WebSphere Commerce logon password for a WebSphere Commerce user or for yourself from any of these tools.

Note: When you use the Data Load utility to load users, there are no predefined passwords for these users. The first time that a user attempts to log on to one of these tools, the system triggers a password reset for the user.


  1. Open the tool from which you want to change the password:
  2. From the Logon page, select the Change password check box. The Change Password page is displayed.
  3. In the Old Password field, type the current WebSphere Commerce logon password. This field accepts up to 128 alphanumeric characters.
  4. In the New Password field, type a new logon password. This field accepts up to 128 alphanumeric characters. A WebSphere Commerce password must follow these guidelines:
    • The password must a minimum of 8 characters.
    • The password cannot be one you used previously for the WebSphere Commerce tool.
    • The password can contain a maximum of three consecutive characters.
    • The password can contain a maximum of four instances of the same character.
    • The password can contain a minimum of one alphabetic character.
    • The password can contain a minimum of one numeric character.
  5. In the Password confirmation field, retype the password.
  6. Click Change to save the new password.