WebSphere Commerce Enterprise

Viewing the storefront price for a product

The storefront price for a product is the price that a customer sees for the product. Any percentage price adjustments that are made by using the Catalog Filter are shown.


  1. Open WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
  2. Open the Catalog Filter page:
    • Consumer direct (B2C)Click Merchandise > Catalog Filter
    • B2B directClick Products > Catalog Filter
    For first-time users who are accessing the Catalog Filter, there might be a delay before the catalog tree displays on the page.
  3. Navigate to the product for which you want to see the storefront price.
  4. Click the product; then, click Calculate Price from the pop-up menu. The storefront price displays in a dialog box.
  5. Click OK to close the dialog.


If you applied a percentage adjustment to a category immediately before you view the storefront price, the price might be inaccurate. To ensure that you are viewing accurate storefront prices, always save any changes that are made to the Catalog Filter before you view the storefront prices.