Setting up the Sterling Order Management message types

Set up the message types from the Administration Console to ensure that WebSphere Commerce and Sterling Order Management communicate correctly.


  1. From the Administration Console, select the Site Administration Console.
  2. Select Configuration > Message Types.
    The Transport Configuration page displays.
  3. Click Add. The Add Transport page displays.
  4. Create the following message type to process inventory:
    Message type Message for external inventory system
    Transport WebServices over HTTP
    Device format webservices
    URL to configure WebServices over HTTP http://<SSFS_HOSTNAME>:<SSFS_PORT>/smcfs/servlets/scwcsoapservlet

    Where <SSFS_PORT> is the number of the HTTP transport port. You can get the port number from <SSFS_PROFILE>/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt.

    Note: If SSL authentication is enabled, replace http:// with https:// and update <SSFS_PORT> with the configured https port number.
  5. Create the following message type for transferring orders:
    Note: Ensure that there is a property named JMSHeaderProperty.
    Message type Message for external order system
    Transport IBM MQ
    Device format webservices
  6. Create the following message type for getting order lists:
    Message type Message for GetOrder from external order system
    Transport WebServices over HTTP
    Device format webservices
    URL to configure WebServices over HTTP http://<SSFS_HOSTNAME>:<SSFS_PORT>/smcfs/servlets/scwcsoapservlet

    Where <SSFS_PORT> is the number of the HTTP transport port. You can get the port number from <SSFS_PROFILE>/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt.

    Note: If SSL authentication is enabled, replace http:// with https:// and update <SSFS_PORT> with the configured https port number.
  7. Click Finish.