Configuring SSL for WebSphere Commerce

When configuring two-way SSL authentication between WebSphere Commerce and Sterling Order Management, first configure two-way SSL for WebSphere Commerce.

About this task

In this task, configure SSL for WebSphere Commerce.


  1. Create a self-signed certificate for WebSphere Commerce authentication:
    1. Open the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console
    2. In the Integrated Solution console, go to Security > SSL certificate and key management > key stores and certificates and click NodeDefaultKeyStore. The properties for the key store display.
    3. Under Additional Properties, click Personal certificates.
    4. Click Create and then click Self-signed Certificate. Set the required properties for the certificate, as shown in the table.
      Table 1. Required properties for the self-signed certificate
      Property Value
      Alias Enter a name to indicate the server certificate, such as wcclient.
      Common name Enter the value that is specified for the Sterling Order Management transport. For example, WCIntegrationUser.
      Validity period Enter the number of dates that the server certificate is valid. The default is 365 days.
    5. Click OK and then click Save.
  2. Configure the SSL settings for WebSphere Commerce:
    1. In the Integrated Solutions Console, go to Security > SSL certificate and key management > SSL configurations and click NodeDefaultSSLSettings. Set the following properties for the SSL configurations and keep all other default property values:
      Table 2. SSL settings
      Property Value
      Default server certificate alias default
      Default client certificate alias Enter the value that is specifed for the alias of the self-signed certificate. For example, wcclient.
    2. Click OK and then click Save.