WebSphere Commerce Enterprise

Sample workflow for buyer self-registration and approval

The Aurora starter store supports a workflow in which a buyer self-registers and a Buyer Administrator approves the buyer. When the process is complete, the buyer can place orders under the organization's business account.

This workflow applies only to organizations that enable buyer approvals.

Sample workflow for order submission and approval

Step Action Role or actor User interface that is used
1 A buyer self-registers, specifying the name of the existing organization where they place their orders. Buyer Storefront
See the following store pages:
2 WebSphere Commerce sends an automated email notification to inform the Buyer Administrator that a buyer registered and is awaiting approval. Automated email message Store email message

See Registration and approval email notifications (B2B)

3 The Buyer Administrator reviews the email notification, signs in to the store, clicks the My Account link in the store header, and checks the list of buyers to approve. The Buyer Administrator approves or rejects the buyer and informs the buyer of the decision. Buyer Administrator Storefront
4 If the buyer is approved, the buyer signs in to the store to browse the catalog and place orders under the organization's business account. Buyer Storefront

See Sign In/Register panel