Maintenance and deployment considerations for dual cell environments

When you deploy customizations, apply upgrades, or apply maintenance, you need to apply the process two times; once for each cell.

You need to deploy customizations or apply upgrades to both cells separately because each cell has its own WebSphere Commerce Enterprise Archive and WebSphere Commerce installation directory. When you apply maintenance upgrades, ensure that you update the installation directory in both cells. Do not simply update the instance.

Upgrading to a higher fix maintenance level

A maintenance upgrade (fix pack or mod pack) includes updates to the WebSphere Commerce Enterprise application and to the database. In a dual cell environment, install the fix pack to both cells independently and ensure that you separate the WebSphere Commerce Enterprise application updates from the database updates. You need to update the WebSphere Commerce Enterprise application in both cells, but you need to update the database only once because the cells share a database.

To properly update both cells:
  1. Update the first cell as you normally would (update installation directory, update database, and update instance). For more information, see Installing maintenance package for WebSphere Commerce.
  2. For the second cell:
    1. Update installation directory on the second cell.
    2. From the first cell, copy the WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/dbInfo/site.xml file to the same path in the second cell.
    3. Update instance on the second cell.