WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseFeature Pack 3: Deprecated featureWebSphere Commerce Professional

Rejecting tasks (Workspace Manager)

Before a task group can be approved or rejected, all of the tasks in the task group must be completed. The Workspace Manager can reject individual tasks in a task group.

Before you begin

Task Group Approvers should follow the instructions in Approving a workspace task group to approve a task group in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.


  1. Open the Workspace Administration Tool.
  2. Select Workspaces > Manage workspaces.
  3. On the Workspaces page, select the task which you want to reject.
  4. Click Reject.
    If you reject a task and e-mail notification is enabled, the task returns to the working state and the task group containing the rejected task returns to the active state. E-mail notifications are sent to the Workspace Content Contributors assigned to the rejected task