Configuring WebSphere Portal with WebSphere Commerce using simulated single sign-on

Simulated single sign-on is provided for ease of setup in Rational Application Developer where the portlet developer can be up and running without enabling security and without using LDAP. To configure WebSphere Portal with WebSphere Commerce to use simulated sign-on you must complete configuration tasks on your WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Portal machine.

Using the simulated sign-on option enables the use of a predetermined WebSphere Commerce user ID. The system will automatically use the credential to perform authentication through a WebSphere Commerce web service, without having the Portal user aware of this operation. This can achieve the single sign-on experience inside of the development environment without the having to enable security and configure VMM with LDAP.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have completed the following tasks:


  1. From the MVCPortlet project, navigate to the WebContent/WEB-INF/ directory.
  2. Open portlet-config.xml in a text editor.
  3. Search for the credential type portlet-plug-in tag and add the following set-property:
    <set-property name="AuthenticationType" value="simulated" /> 
    <set-property name="SimulatedSSOUserName" value="username" /> 
    <set-property name="SimulatedSSOPassword" value="password" />
    Where username is the user ID of the registered shopper on WebSphere Commerce, and password is the password of the registered shopper on WebSphere Commerce.
  4. Save and close the file.