Feature Pack 4 or later

Mobile Web starter stores checkout order confirmation page

The order confirmation page is available when both buying online and picking up in-store, or buying online and shipping to an address. Customers view all checkout details after submitting their order.

Screen captures

The checkout order confirmation page is available on both smart phone and tablet devices.

Smart phone screen capture

Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5
Smart phone checkout order confirmation page
Feature Pack 6 or later
Smart phone checkout order confirmation page

Tablet screen capture

Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5
Tablet checkout order confirmation page

Elements of the checkout order confirmation page

The checkout order confirmation page contains the following page elements:

JSP files

  • OrderConfirmationDisplay.jsp represents the smart phone page.
  • OrderConfirmation.jsp represents the tablet page.


  • When Continue Shopping is tapped, the home page is called.