Feature Pack 4 or later

Smart phone and tablet starter stores: Progress indicator

The progress indicator is used to display an indicator when there is store activity in smart phone and tablet starter stores.

Sample screen capture


Starter store implementation

  • Tablet

Implementation details

  • A progress indicator when store activity is taking place.
  • Customized animations and borders.

There is a trade off when using the progress indicator. Back button caching is disabled due to the fact that the Web browser is not able to run JavaScript when the back function is executed.

If caching is enabled, the progress indicator will not be able to stop due to Web browser activity. As a result, if you want to enable the progress indicator, there will be a trade off for disabling the back function caching from the Web browser.

If you want the back button caching to be enabled again, you must edit the CommonJSToInclude.jspf file and change USE_PROGRESS_INDICATOR to false..