Feature Pack 4 or later

Smart phone and tablet starter stores: Grid

The grid is used to display touchable content in cells in smart phone and tablet starter stores.

Sample screen capture


Starter store implementation

  • Smart phone
  • Tablet

Implementation details

  • A grid where the content of the cell can be custom data such as images, or text.
  • Custom actions can be defined when a cell is touched.
  • 15 products are loaded by default and a Load More button is displayed if there are more than 15 products on the grid. AJAX calls are used to load more products.
  • Depending on the screen orientation, 3 or 4 products per row arre displayed on the grid. This can be customized in the thumbnail1.css file through the following CSS code:
    @media (orientation:portrait) {
    .catalogEntryGrid > li {
    width: 33.3%;
    @media (orientation:landscape) {
    .catalogEntryGrid > li {
    width: 25%;