Feature Pack 7


This class provides RESTful services to get the user context of a shopper. For example, PersonalizationId.

Method Name HTTP Method URL Query Parameters Description Authentication Example
getPersonalizationID GET store/{storeId}/usercontext/personalizationId responseFormat={responseFormat} Gets or generates the Personalization ID.If WCToken is passed in the HTTP header, it returns the personalization ID based on WCToken. Otherwise, it returns a personalization ID for a generic user (guest shopper). No,HTTP Sample
getContextData GET store/{storeId}/usercontext/@self/contextdata responseFormat={responseFormat} Gets the context data by the cookies and tokens sent with the request. If no token or cookie for user session is sent, the context data are returned as generic user data, otherwise, the context data are returned as those associated with the user session cookie or token.If preview token is sent, the preview context data are returned as those associated with the preview token, otherwise, the preview context data are returned as those associated with the user session cookie or token. No,HTTP Sample